Nigeria Open Arms of Mercy

Nigeria Open Arms of Mercy Orphanage

Adress/Location: 38 Femi Kila street opp market square super market Ago palace way Lagos Nigeria 

Contact: +234 809 557 7685

Date:  January 20th 2023

Time: 11:00 am

Number of kids: 57

Age range: new born to 12 years olds

Orphanage leaders: aurelia-adaeze-okafor care assistant 

Donation Items list: 4 bags of rices, 7 carton of indomi, bag of semolina, bag of beans, galon of oil, pack of biscuit, box of onion, box of sugar , 4 carton of spaghetti 

K&N foundation total members: 14 

Total expenses: $1000

Other details / summary:

In January of 2023, we launched the Kemmo and Nguefack foundation in Africa with our very first donation in Lagos Nigeria led by  our CEO Dr. Vicky Marie Deuboue accompanied by some members of the Kemmo and Nguefack of the foundation based in Nigeria.  Together, we donated stationeries, food items, and cleaning supplies to help provide the basic needs of the children at Open Arms Orphanage in the Western Region of Nigeria. 

It was a very powerful and touching first experience as we made a positive impact in the orphans lives.  The kids were filled with joy and hope especially when they sung beautiful Melodies. It was indeed a priceless experience. We were very impressed of the children’s powerful prophetic words as they prayed for the K&N foundation.  A big thanks to the director and staff of Open Arms Orphanage for their warm welcome and assistance





By end of 2024



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